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Local SEO for Real Estate 

Get Better Listings for Your Real Estate Agency With Proven SEO Strategies

NYC Based, Serving Customers Across The Globe

We know how to maximizing return on investment from SEO for real estate agencies like yours. It starts with an in-depth understanding of your business goals, marketing for real estate agencies, and, most importantly, your customer.

We know you need to stand out against digital real estate marketplaces like Zillow and Trulia. Our expertise in SEO for real estate agents will get your site to the top of Google so you can stand out and sell more properties.

Search Engine Optimization for Real Estate Agencies

Winston Digital Marketing does more than just design websites. We also provide full service search engine optimization consulting and implementation. We find the most relevant keywords  for your real estate agency and utilizing industry best practices to optimize your site and get a  higher rank ion Google for the selected keywords.

Why Choose an Agency With Experience in SEO for Lawyers?

Your local board to start with. Real Estate isn’t an industry where marketers can make wild claims without repercussions. At Winston Digital Marketing, we  know the ins and outs of SEO for real estate, and we understand the marketing regulations that come along with a real estate agency.

After years of successfully optimizing websites for real estate agencies, we’ve created a tested and proven approach to improve keyword rankings, traffic, and qualified seller/buyer leads for local real estate agencies.

Building Authority, It’s More Than Just Links

We connect with journalists looking for experts in your field in order to get you PR placements and links back to your site.

Our Secret To Success

At Winston Digital Marketing we offer SEO services t that focus on the basics, which so many sites get wrong. While quality SEO takes time, focusing on low- hanging fruit allows us to have early success with many of our clients.

Increase in Keywords Ranked for One Client
Increase in Weekly Website Visits for One Client

 Get In Touch

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Annual Revenue

Monthly SEO Budget

Real Client Results

The chart below shows the total search visibility and total keywords ranked for one of our clients.

local lawyer SEO

SEO Deliverables We Offer

  • Keyword Research

  • Keyword Mapping / On-Page Optimizations

  • Technical SEO Audit

  • Preliminary Off-Site Analysis

  • Content Expansion Recommendations

  • Off-Page Competitive Analysis

  • On-Page Competitive Analysis

  • Link Building Strategies Presentation

  • Image Optimization Audit

  • Mobile SEO Audit

  • Content Expansion Recommendations

  • Unlinked Mentions Audit

  • Weekly & Monthly Reports

  • Weekly Website Crawls & Error Reports

How Does Local SEO for Real Estate Agencies Work?

The first step in working with our team on your SEO is for us to conduct an initial site audit to determine where the greatest areas of opportunity are. This allows us to make the most impact. We then work quickly to address low hanging fruit and top priorities first.

After our initial site audit, we begin our keyword research process. This involves looking at the keywords your real estate agency website ranks for, your competitors rank for, and keywords you or our team want to be ranking for. We use SEO tools to decide which keywords have the best mix of winnability, traffic, and conversion potential. Our selected keywords then guide the next steps of our process for local SEO for real estate agencies process.

On-Page Optimization

Next, we take those keywords like “3 br homes for sale near me” or “sell my home Brooklyn” and include them into the code and copy of your website . This process is called on-page optimization and it can lead to significant improvements in website performance in search.

Technical Auditing & Authority Building

Once we’ve removed technical roadblocks and optimized your website for SEO , we’re ready to establish you as an authority in your industry through building what Google calls “E-A-T,” expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.